On Friday night, Adopt-A-Family hosted our 4th annual Trunk-or-Treat!
Dozens of excited Trunk-or-Treaters showed up for candy, popcorn and games. Participants flaunted all kinds of awesome Halloween costumes, dressing as everything from pirates and zombies to a bag of Cheetos. Santa Claus even made an appearance!
Nine trunks were decorated by volunteers and agency staff, each with its own unique, spooky style.
Some costumes stood out among the rest, like AAF Housing Specialist Joanne Diaz’s look, inspired by Effie from The Hunger Games.
Families showed off their costumes at the photo booth.
Children took a shot at some fun games and challenges at the activities table.
In addition to all the sweets collected throughout the night, participants received a salty snack from Little Smiles Florida.