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Great Give Success Story: Introducing Greg H.

The first time Greg H. heard about Adopt-A-Family, his life was in crisis. He was served with a 3-day notice of eviction and knew of no other steps to avoid the inevitable, #homelessness.

Greg reached out to Adopt-A-Family’s Housing Stabilization Program and qualified for immediate assistance. “In one word, the program was life-saving,” he shared proudly, while hugging his daughter. “Home is my foundation, and Adopt-A-Family ensured I’d keep a roof over my head. Truthfully, I have no clue where I’d be without the support.”

My life has entirely turned around after being on the brink of homelessness. Share on X

Gregory, a loving single father, also highlighted Adopt-A-Family’s counseling services as being vital to behavior changes in his daughter after receiving support.

“Ms. Joan [our therapist] has turned my daughter’s behaviors into positive coping mechanisms. Her anger and frustrations in school have melted away. You wouldn’t believe how much she’s transformed. She went without smiling for such a long time. Now, she smiles freely. It’s been a blessing for us. She wants to come to therapy every day.”

We then asked Greg what his future looks like after receiving Adopt-A-Family’s helping hand.

“I find myself crying at night simply in amazement of our world turning for the better — all because of Adopt-A-Family.”

My future is very, very bright. And most importantly, so is my daughter's. Share on X


When you #GiveAAF17 for this year’s Great Give, our families and children grow.