By Abbey Hartman, Shelter Services Coordinator for Adopt-A-Family
The United Way of Palm Beach County performs important work in our community and supports organizations that do the same, including Adopt-A-Family. The agencies funded by the United Way form a collaborative network to serve all residents of Palm Beach County. Adopt-A-Family regularly partners with fellow United Way-funded agencies to ensure that the families we serve have access to services that will aid them on the path to stability and self-sufficiency.
Here is a snapshot of some of the incredible organizations that regularly support families served by Adopt-A-Family:
AVDA and YWCA Harmony House provide a safe, secure environment for families that have endured domestic violence while they await shelter through Adopt-A-Family.
Boys and Girls Club of Palm Beach County cares for children, providing meals and child care up until 8 p.m.
Clinics Can Help gives out walkers and medical supplies at low to no cost for people who cannot afford equipment.
Community Partners offers therapy, housing, and case management to children and parents in our community.

Kids at a CROS Ministries summer camp packed up bags of food for AAF residents.
CROS Ministries provides food assistance to low-income families through food pantries, meal sites, and gleaning.
Families First helps Adopt-A-Family secure housing opportunities for people with barriers who may need more support.
Gulfstream Goodwill provides shelter to pregnant youth until birth.
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Palm Beach County, Inc. offers diapers, formula, and clothing to needy families.
The Palm Beach County Food Bank provides Program REACH fresh vegetables, fruit, and food for the food pantry.
The Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County provides free legal services to low-income families and nonprofits.
The Lord’s Place offers job training, meals, SOAR assistance, and housing to families.
Urban League of Palm Beach County provides job coaching and placement to families.
Vita Nova helps young people with life skills training, job search/assistance, mental health services, and so much more.
211 Palm Beach is the number one referral source for homeless services.
Out of gratitude for the support of agencies and funders throughout Palm Beach County, Adopt-A-Family’s 2020 United Way Campaign was “Pay it Forward.” Adopt-A-Family’s staff certainly lived up to that credo during the campaign! One hundred percent of the staff pledged donations to the United Way of Palm Beach County, and the total pledged surpassed last year’s total. Those donations will help support United Way-funded organizations that do impactful work in our community. Adopt-A-Family is grateful to Pay It Forward now and every day! The work we all do collectively has such an impact on our families, children, and the community!
Abbey Hartman has been working in homeless services for 11 years in various roles, including housing, youth services, veteran support, and now families. This month marks her four-year anniversary with Adopt-A-Family. Abbey enjoys going to the beach, playing with her son, reading, and spending time with family.